Thursday, March 19, 2009

The How of Planned Parenthood of North East Ohio

Planned Parenthood of North East Ohio targets women and men from this area. Particulary youth or those who are in need of sexual health services but mostly cannot afford them. Strategies to target these individuals happens with school and community based intitiatives. They use these programs to target both youth and adults. Some interesting programs are below:
* PPNEO advocates strongly for the Ohio Prevention First Act which will work to expand access to sexual health services, reduce STD and teen pregnancy rates, reduce the need for abortion, provide greater access to emergency contraception, provide effective sexual education and insurance coverage for bith control. Theyhold events to support and lobby for this act to pass.
* Community based programs involve youth through art and design contests. The most recent one being a design for condom covers, this not only encourages youth involvement but donations and community involvement as well.
*PPNEO holds special events that spotlight important speakers and leaders within the community. Some people they have had talk include ohios governor and a leading plain dealer coloumnist that advocates for womens reproductive rights. They also hold luncheons honoring longtime founders and those who have been forefront in continuing the services that Planned Parenthood offers.
* Party Politics is an interesting community based program that PPNEO sponsors, these events are casual social events focusing on how to get more involved in the community, and build support for PPNEO.
PPNEO is a coilition of 5 affliates of Planned Parenthood around the North East Ohio. The decision to combine these 5 seperate organizations was one to ensure a stronger presence in Ohio. They are headed by a President & CEO, and also a board od directors including a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. PPNEO is also supported by the United Way and Community Shares along with several private donors and foundations.
PPNEO recieves most of its funding for events and services through program services fees, relying mostly on the community who uses what they offer. The rest of the money Planned Parenthood receives is split between government grants, 3rd party insurers, and individuals and fondations.
An interesting side note is that Planned Parenthood of North East Ohio have global partners in the Tata Steel Family Intiatives Fondation in India and the Family Planning association of India. They have projects reaching 100,000 women and children in over 100 villages in India. Their goal there is to share expertise and encourage leaders to use information to create sustaining health programs. This is supported by the Timken fondation.
Picture is from

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